Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Pre-Spring Break

Ok so its 12:53am and I am being hit by the consequences of me choosing to take 21 credits this semester. So last week I came late to class and my professor told me to come next week to re-take the test, claiming it would take over an hour. So I come today to class and he totally forgets he told me that and he's just sitting there asking me, "are you in this class?". LOL. So after discussing with him about his memory not really...he moves my test to tomorrow morning at 9:00am in the morning. You have GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!! 9? That means I have to leave my house at 8....that has got to be the ultimate punishment for any college student.

So anyways here's my pre-spring break schedule for tomm:

8:00 am = leave for college
9:00am = take exam1
11:30am = class1
12:30am = class1 finishes
1:00pm = off to work
3:00pm = leave work
3:30pm = exam2
4:45pm = finish exam2
5:00pm = meet with classmate to discuss presentation
6:00pm = class aka presentation due with classmate
8:00pm = pray class to end
8:30pm = when class ends

now that's 12 hrs....oh yeah i don't get home until 9:30pm and then i have to eat dinner...if I'm still alive. it cant get any worse...oh btw in the schedule, those 15-30 min breaks are really me driving/walking to my next destination.

I don't know where food will factor in. whatever, its good if i shed a few pounds anyways before spring break...don't want to look too fat in the swimsuits!! ahhhhhhhhhhhh where is spring breakkkkkkkkkkk

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